Thursday, August 26, 2010

Controversial Photo

When I google searched for a controversial picture, the majority of them had to do with Judiasm or Islam.  These religions are very historic and have their own sets of holy objects as well as places.  In my opinion, their culture and attitudes are the reason why they have an on going conflict. Violence is typically associated when discussing these religions. I understand their issue but I don't agree on how they handle it. Since I have no connection to either religions, I'll let them figure it out.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Alex. This is an interesting picture and post, so I thought I would add my input on it. I do agree with what you have said. I am not exactly connected to either Judaism or Islam, but I am a Christian, which may provide some different insight on this topic. The Jews and Muslims have been battling for years and years because of their differences. Because the two religions are very dynamic and strong in their beliefs, and their beliefs are completely contradictory to one another, the two religions hate each other. It is nearly impossible for them to get along, and especially since both groups have fought over the same area of land for decades because both groups call it their "Holy land." Both groups are constantly on the edge and threatening to destroy the other because of this terrible animosity.
    Now I personally do not agree on how they handle their problems. I personally believe I should not hate someone or any group of people because of what they believe. I believe that I should love any person no matter what they believe, but as a Christian, it is also my responsibility to live out my beliefs and point to Christ and His saving love in all that I do and say. It is my duty to share my beliefs, but in no way, force them on anyone or hurt anyone in any way because of what they believe. It makes me sad to know that two religions act so ridiculously towards each other. Both religions are supported by humans, and neither religions treat the other as humans. It only looks bad on them because they are not being a good example at all for the people that they want to believe like them, but I also see that every person is a sinner and makes silly mistakes that does not make them a good example for what they believe either. This might be a different point of view, but I hope it is something that makes sense.
